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23 July 2024

Gold Geese Goslings event raises £20,000!

Gold and white cloud with gap in the middle
Flying guess silhouettes

We held our first ever kids’ seafront fundraiser on Sunday and wow, what a day!

Over 100 kids scooted, walked, cycled or ran along Chalkwell seafront to raise over £20,000 for Gold Geese!

Thank you SO MUCH to our little Goslings and their families.

One family taking part were the Lyons from Westcliff, who incredibly raised over £7500 alone. Sarah Lyons is mum to Evie (6) and Jack (9) and says

“On the 17th of April Evie was diagnosed with leukaemia. Our lives were instantly flipped upside down. While we’ve tried to get used to our new normal Jack has been nothing short of amazing. It’s a lot for a 9-year-old to understand but he’s taking his protective big brother role very seriously and being a massive support to Evie.

“Jack did the Goslings event for Evie, for all the other families affected like us that Gold Geese sprinkle their magic dust on! They are unbelievable, there really aren’t enough words to explain it. It does indeed feel like they fly with us and guide us on this unknown path.

“The Goslings event happened to take place on my birthday too, so I asked friends and family to donate to Gold Geese rather than buy me a card or a gift.

“My mind is blown by the love and support from everyone, thank you all! I’m immensely proud of Jack for doing this. He’s never one to shy away from a physical challenge and has fully embraced this. He’s rallied around friends and family with his excitement and Team Evie is now huge! 

“Since spending time in this world I totally get why Katie started Gold Geese. It’s heart-breaking, it’s inspiring, it’s terrifying and downright unbelievable at times. To be able to put a smile on any of those going through this is amazing and Katie does that! I guess not all heroes wear capes, some wear yellow t-shirts!” 

This was our first ever seafront fundraising event and we were blown away by everyone’s support and enthusiasm.

How incredible to see a sea of kids in Gold Geese yellow t-shirts whizzing along the sea front and having a brilliant time, while raising so much money for local families facing cancer.

A special thank you to our Gold families who joined us on the day, our volunteers and to c2c for sponsoring the event, as well as our partners Brakes, Saltwater Café, PMS and Co-op. And to Kerry Green Photography for these fantastic photos!